Notting Hill Carnival

Being a light in the darkness was what I think Bones Camp is all about. When I felt God asking me to participate in this year’s camp, I was hesitant. Crowds and carnival’s aren’t really my “thing,” but I realised very quickly that I was a perfect fit for this kind of a thing; I love talking with people about Jesus, and I love to perform/do parades. (I blame my high school band days on this). As you know from myRead more


Ever found that perfect coffee shop? The one where it’s almost always busy, but it’s just SO. GOOD. ? That’s what York’s Brew & Brownie is for me. They have good coffee, great food, and it’s so close to our base and the city centre. It’s just about perfect. Just about every chance I get (and can afford to), I get a snack and a coffee or tea. I don’t know if that counts as an obsession, but the onlyRead more


Alfred Stieglitz is perhaps one of my all-time favourite photographers with his series called Equivalents–a body of work composed of clouds. In 1922 Stieglitz read a commentary about his photography by Waldo Frank that suggested the strength of his imagery was in the power of the individuals he photographed. Stieglitz was outraged, believing Frank had at best ignored his many photographs of buildings and street scenes, and at worst had accused him of being a simple recorder of what appeared inRead more

A Family Gathering

Every year, YWAM England holds what is known as a Family Gathering at one of the England (or Wales) locations. This year we met down near Brighton at the first England base called Holmsted Manor over the weekend. Our team began our roughly six hour journey in a cramped car filled to the brim with luggage and people. Upon arrival, we went through registration and pitched tents before heading over to the main tent to have a time of worshipRead more


Went to see the sea today. He waved hello, so I waved back. Fields of yellow flowers and mist hid the hills whilst riding through forests on a rickety old train. May shades of green blew in the crisp wind. Out the windows the sheep climb craggy cliff sides covered in moss. The dog across from me whines at his owner, a gruff Englishman, and the little girl beside him looks out the window in hope of seeing rabbits asRead more

The Obscura Project

It all began when we had prayed about the teens around our centre, and how we would reach out to them. I had an idea that maybe through film photography, we would be able to set up something, a club of sorts, and through that, they could learn more about missions and the church. Now, a few years later, we are preparing to do exactly that. For weeks now, maybe you could even say months, I have been working toRead more

The Kingdom

“A soft drink company has done a better job getting brown sugar water to the nations than the church of Jesus Christ has done in getting the Gospel to them.” -David Platt In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells his disciples “…All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obeyRead more

Round Three

Hello again from York! It’s officially been one month since I boarded a plane with tears in my eyes to come back to England. Now that I am back here, and settled in a bit more, my posts should become more frequent than they have been in the past few months. I also sent out newsletters today, so if you would like to receive those please contact me so I can add you to my list. The past month inRead more

Valle Grande

              So I am going to skip the time in between Tucuman and Valle Grande due to having some very bad memories that I don’t really care to write about. If you genuinely want to know about the worst Christmas of my life, and my South American hospital stories, just ask me for them and I will gladly tell you my tale of woe.             Our journey to ValleRead more